Welcome to Purified Colorado Farm! 


Welcome to our farm! We are a small farm that breeds high quality Nigerian Dwarf goats for 4-H purposes and showing. Our goats are specifically bred for qualities that are important in showing at 4-H. Check out the Our Goats and Sale Barn for more information. 

We also have mini donkeys, chickens, cats and our livestock dogs, Aspen and Sequoia. We also breed mini lop rabbits!


We are also home to the popular Goat Yoga! Click on the Goat Yoga tab to get more information, see our schedule and sign up for classes.


Here at our farm, we strive to find natural solutions to every day life and get rid of toxins in our home and on our farm. One way we do that is through essential oils and making our own DIY products.  Check out our essential oils page to learn more. 



Please contact us at shannon@purifiedcolorado.com or call/text 303-908-1247 for more information.


Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Matthew 5:8


Follow us on Facebook! www.facebook.com/purifiedcolorado/ or Instagram @purified_colorado_farm





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